Parish Council
Buckland is served by a Parish Council which comprises up to seven Parish Councillors and a Clerk.

Nigel Husband

Ianthe Cox

Rupert Gowrley

Debbie Jones

Alan Pryor

Julian Steed

Michael Bourke

Sheena Boyce – Clerk
Buckland Parish Council is a non-political local government body, served by seven parish councillors who are elected at four yearly parish council elections, to serve their local community. Buckland Parish Council was first established when the 1894 Local Government Act was introduced to reinvigorate local communities and give them a local voice by establishing civil parishes in rural areas. The Act separated the functions of local government (Parish Councils) from those of the Church (Parochial Church Councils). Subsequent legislation has updated and extended the duties and powers of parish councils which are principally set out in the Local Government Act 1972 and the Localism Act 2011.
Your parish council acts on behalf of the “community as a whole”, using local knowledge to express views on any proposals being considered by other statutory bodies that could affect our parish. The parish council uses its legal powers to influence other decision makers and to help deliver services to meet local needs and make a difference. Money is raised each year through the parish precept and used to improve quality of life and our local environment.
Over recent years, Surrey County Council (SCC) and Mole Valley District Council (MVDC) have come under significant financial pressure which has led to both councils withdrawing the provision of discretionary activity to increasingly focus on their statutory duties. This trend, combined with a UK Government drive to devolve more responsibility to local communities increases the workload of parish councils.
The Parish Council forecast income for the 2024/25 financial year is £21,081 that is partly raised through a Parish precept of £17,766 (collected by MVDC on the Parish Council’s behalf). For the balance, Buckland Parish Council relies on contributions from MVDC that include £2,390 towards the cost of maintaining the registered village green and pond as an area for recreation for everyone who lives or works in the local area and a £924 grant that relates to a change introduced several years ago in the way Council Tax Support is paid.
Buckland Parish Council (Council) in addition to employing contractors to cut the open grass areas in the centre of the village and coordinating the volunteer effort to maintain the village pond, arranges a programme of winter maintenance to keep sections of the A25 roadside footways clear of soil and unwanted vegetation (a task previously undertaken by SCC). Council provides financial support to the village website, arranges for village assets, that include the war memorial, bus shelter opposite the village shop, village sign, two notice boards and various benches to be maintained and arranges for each of the three parish grit bins to be replenished (as required) each Autumn. Council applies any residual balance towards initiatives designed to deliver amenity improvements including, over recent years, assuming responsibility for the maintenance of the bus shelter located opposite the village shop and working in partnership with Buckland Estate to improve the accessibility of our local rights of way.
Council is a consultee on all planning applications arising in Buckland, is consulted by MVDC, SCC and Surrey Police in relation to other government functions impacting a wider area within Surrey including planning policy, highways maintenance, road safety, public rights of way and local policing and engages with other public bodies undertaking national or regional consultations that could impact our local community.
Council provides a link to the local community and takes up issues on behalf of the community as a whole. Council organises an Annual Parish Meeting and welcomes residents and local business people who attend Council meetings to participate in an Open Forum (a public session, usually near the start of each meeting) and to observe proceedings during the remainder of the meeting.
Council incurs administrative expenses and the cost of employing our CILCA qualified part time Clerk to handle administration and ensure Council keeps abreast of legislation and its obligations.
Council seeks to identify and address areas of local concern and to pursue opportunities to improve the quality of life for Buckland residents. To contact your parish council please use our contact form.